Thursday, February 12, 2015

02-12-2015 All the signs are in! Spring is getting close!

Quince, one of the early bloomers!

This morning, I noticed that the maples across the street started showing their red buds; a number of my perennials are now peaking above ground (Do they not know what's coming this weekend? Another batch of Arctic air!)

For the last few days, Robins and Blackbirds have been tearing through my winter mulch to stuff themselves on worms before flying farther North. From what I understand, where they're heading to, only the frozen food section is open.

In any case, on a beautiful sunny afternoon, when WRAL tells me it's 52° F, I head out to pick some kale for dinner. In minutes,  some nasty cold gale blows in, covers the sun, scares away all the birds and I find myself, all alone in the garden, feeling my fingers freezing by the second.

Talk about a surprise, a sudden change of weather! Fortunately, we're in NC and if the weather disappoints, we can always wait a day or two and get a totally different one!

I am not giving up; maples and Robbins don't lie: Spring shouldn't take too much longer!

... When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze...

                                                      William Wordsworth

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