Friday, February 18, 2022

02-18-2022 This bud 's for you!

 After what seems like a long winter of short, cold days and longer, colder, dark nights, the time has come to wipe the spiderwebs of my garden blogger and share some of the new colored spots popping here and there among the dead leaves and bare branches.

Living in NC, I really have no serious reason to complain about the cold but, just like my magnolia, my inner signals tell me it's time to move on and get ready for spring.

Two days ago, I opened a number of seed packs that had been gathering dust in my shed and sowed some lettuce, spinach, peas, beats, carrots and leeks that can handle cool dirt. They joined onions, leeks and kale plants that had spent the winter out there in the cold. 

Nothing much to show yet but some dirt and plastic markers. It'll be six weeks before we get the first taste.

Some of this week's new blooms:

Five years ago, this magnolia was already in full bloom. This year it's barely starting.

Magnolia buds still wearing their winter hairy "sweaters".

A Dutch Iris I did not plant. Not sure where it came from.

Emerging Hyacinth.
