Saturday, June 11, 2016

06-11-2016 Heating up!

Just this last few days, we had a couple of gorgeous mornings in the 50s--pure Nirvana at this time of year!

By now, though, things are warming up with a possibility of reaching 100° tomorrow.

After two weeks of clouds and light rain, this week's sun has brought out the summer flowers in all their glory; bright colors are everywhere to be seen and appreciated.

A rose that was supposed to grow 3feet and is now closer to 30 feet high.

On the consumption level, bush beans have been amazing, blackberries abundant and, now, baby cukes and raspberries  are showing up. All we need is tomatoes...about another three weeks before we get the first one.

My new project has been to start constructing "no bend" raised beds bringing the planting surface to about 3 feet high or hip high, making it easier for my old bones to continue gardening well into my 100s. To quote my younger neighbor watching me sweating away building those robust beds (remember, they're supposed to outlast me!) :"Doesn't seem to be sparing you much right now!"

It'll take a little getting used to visually but, as soon as the wood ages, some, they should blend in nicely while bringing veggies closer to my heart...and sparing my poor knees.


A bumble bee trespassing on a Butterfly Weed (Asclepias)