Sunday, May 22, 2022

05-22-2022 From the last iris to the first lilies!

Things move fast at this time of year and  flowers I like get replaced by others unless some of my local wildlife feast on them first.

Talking about wildlife, I have dug up close to 150 young oaks from my garden beds thanks to a few forgetful squirrels and, this year, a third of my budding Martagon, Tiger and Turk's caps lilies have been digested in infancy by one of my old visiting does. I don't care much for her new cuisine taste but since she was pregnant, I have to give her some leeway. While she has not brought junior around for proper introductions yet, he/she has been seen a couple of yards up the street.

Wild strawberries rappelling down the wall.


Future tomatoes.

Corn on the move!