Tuesday, September 1, 2015

09-01-2015 Transition!

As I have mentioned in previous postings, a real gardener never lives in the present. He may be harvesting and keeping things up but his/her mind already is wandering a couple of seasons down the road.

So, while I still collect tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and ogle my Asian pears, a couple of the beds already have welcomed some winter crops like Brussels sprouts, Savoy cabbages, cauliflowers and lettuce.

At the same times, for the last few weeks I have been thinking about what to add or give up for next year, and shaping my blackberries to get more fruit next summer.

When I talk about transition, I should also expect temperatures to reflect better our getting close to fall but, as I stand in the middle of my garden, that sun feels as hot if not hotter than it should be now.

                        I guess I'll have to sow some patience as well!

Toad lily

Frog on a lily(pad)