Wednesday, June 19, 2013

06-19-2013 Summer!

We're slowly moving into Summer with a few hot days including some pretty hot and dry winds but, all in all, we have been pretty lucky having enjoyed some nice cold fronts and, for gardeners, having had some regular rain.
We have been spared major damage by the couple of heavy storms ripping through our area in the last few days.

As far as eating from the garden, we get a few raspberries, very tasty but coming only a couple at a time. By next year the plants should be strong enough to give us a better production.

We've been eating the first tomatoes (about two weeks ahead of official schedule) and cucumbers and we're still awash in green beans. We tasted the first corn- very sweet! And, interestingly we still have carrots, due to those regular rains and cooler temps.

The way a healthy carrot should look with an almost trans lucid core.

Self-seeded dill and corn share the sunlight.

But the big show has been in flowers with lilies of all sorts in full bloom, some gladiolus and our first sunflower. Many should follow up soon!

For the longest time, I gave up on gladiolus that were mainly of the giant kind and unexciting colors but, in the last few years, new color combinations have been bred as well as smaller flowers which I prefer to "giants".

Nothing says summer like a sunflower. Bees of all sorts love loading themselves with that super abundant pollen.

late blooming iris.


A variation on black-eyed Suzann.

pink lily



Sun play

Sunflower bud getting ready to explode

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