Tuesday, March 10, 2015

03-10-2015 What a difference!

Just a few days ago, we were dealing with intense cold, ice and power failures.

Today, the thermometer reached 75; perfect temperature!

For the last couple of days, I have been busy cleaning up Winter's mess, weeding and transplanting lettuce and leeks. In 48 H. we went from devastation to an almost green look. I am about four weeks behind last year's schedule but, being a patient gardener and knowing that Mother Nature rules the game, I just do my best and know that it will be all right.

Head lettuce that need to mature before real heat sets in



 The kale, chervil, Brussels sprouts and baby leeks overwintered in the garden, with a row cover on really cold nights.

You should see me tuck them in on those freezing evenings!

Remembers these guys: "Chervil" looks a lot like parsley but with a more anisy taste.  Great for winter soup! Hardly anybody grows it now but I believe that within the next couple of years NPR will go gaga over it like it did with kale last year.

We ate a load of those brussels sprouts at the end of last week. They are so much sweeter than what we buy in the store.

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