The young lettuce plants I started indoors look good. Today I will move them to an outdoors cold frame.
I am a big fan of mulch to spread under bushes, around trees, flower beds and, mainly in my garden paths.
Benefits of mulching the paths:
--Keeps weeds down.
--Keeps things clean. I can walk in the garden right after a rain and not track in any mud.
--Breaks down over time into beautifully rich black dirt. I don't even need to move it to the planted beds; growing veggies send their roots under the bedsides and into the good stuff. It just means that I have to, over time, keep adding layers of fresh mulch.
Too bad I have not figured out how to do a "scratch and sniff" for my blog yet. This one would be perfect! I could then upgrade to the "lick and taste" for the tomato season.
Unpaid Product placement: I am very thankful to
Leaf & Limb Tree Service (919) 787-9551
for supplying me with free wood chips and to Craig Brown of Brown's Tree Service (919) 845-6222 for having done so many times in the past.
Nice to see some blue sky after days of depressing gray clouds producing only small amounts of rain: ¾ inch in four days.
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