Sunday, September 30, 2018

08-30-2018 of storms and seasons.

For the first time in many years I find myself in late September without a single fruit-producing tomato plant.

What was not beat into the ground by hurricane Florence just did not survive the almost 8 inches of rain that came with it.

The "end of summer" clean-up I would start sometimes in November is now well along the way.

One surprise though came from my Magnolia Soulengeana that would normally bloom in February is now offering me some early blooms in consolation.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

08-08-2018 September!

Time to look back at our summer: figs and Asian pears produced really well, tomatoes (full size tomatoes) were the best tasting we had in a while (due to lack of rain) but production would have bankrupted me had I been a farmer! Great taste but, unlike other years,not much to share! :(

Right now the whole place looks like it could use some rain, not just my watering.

Flowers have done better as you can see for yourselves:

True sign of fall, the first Asters!