Sunday, March 20, 2016

03-20-2016 First day of spring!

I figured today would be the perfect time to get us some fresh pictures to celebrate spring.

Well, it may be spring on the calendar but our usual weather roller coaster is diving again and it feels more like winter out here with a bare 40°, heavy clouds and no trace of the sun to be seen.

Fortunately, my plants are tougher than I am and don't let minor details get in their way. Here they are:

This one was taken  earlier as you can tell by the blue sky. I couldn't wrap up my post w/o a little sun.

Monday, March 14, 2016

03-14-2016 Spring?????

The last few days have been perfect to spend time outside, including eating dinner on the terrace without feeding the mosquitoes...yet.

Once I cleaned up the weeds and trimmed some items gone wild, the garden changed from day to day. Within less than a week it went from the drab winter look to the ever changing spring excitement.

As my roses, magnolia and blackberries are leafing out, the neighborhood is disappearing fast.