Thursday, October 25, 2012

10-25-2012 fall/winter look

While we still deal with some 83 degrees, the summer garden has long been gone.

We see here the last bush beans of the year with flowers in the background.

Lettuce, leeks, carrots and cilantro. What is amazing is that I took this picture a week ago and the lettuce has doubled in size in that week.

Surprise: while trimming some Nandina, I found those two garden snakes curled up in one of the crown. They stayed there three days doing the wild thing but in a very subdued way ( not worth posting on Youtube.) When romance was over, they moved to a less obvious place.

Last flowers of the year, all in yellow and purple:


Thursday, October 4, 2012

10-04-2012 Today in someone else's garden

The last few days have been great for our transition from summer to fall/winter garden with all the gray days, some rain and some cooler weather (except the last couple of really muggy days.) Eating the last few tomatoes and some of the best late planted cucumbers.

Someone else's garden:
I have not been to Sarah P. Duke's garden since last spring when they had gorgeous displays of wisterias and tulips. Today was very different with more subdued colors and amazing lily pads, including the Victoria Regina large pads.